Spooky Szn is finally upon us and what’s scarier than the most villainous villain? Your shadow self.
To give myself, perhaps, the bigger scare this season, I’ve decided to try a challenge I came across on Tik Tok that enhances your creativity through literally entering your villain era.
Created by opera singer, writer, and creator Vanessa Aldrich, The Villain Challenge “helps you tap into that courage, and offers the structure, accountability, and support to fuel creative evolution” as she explains.
To fully follow The Villain Challenge, visit the post below.
Now back to me…
I’ve decided to use this challenge to dive deeper into shadow work. As someone who keeps a standing, weekly appointment with her therapist, I’m no stranger to digging around in my subconscious (more on that later on) but sometimes it helps to find new questions to ask for new discoveries.
An example of a Villain Challenge journal prompt that’s been stuck with me over the past few days is: What were you not allowed to be in your family of origin? What was taboo, wrong, immoral, inconvenient or contradictory?
I’ll be discussing my answer to that prompt in depth but it’s quite personal.
Self-discovery and awareness have been major parts of my growth in my 6-ish years of therapy but it’s a lifelong journey. The particular part that I’m on requires me to be bold in speech and action.
It requires confidence and faith in what’s best for me regardless of how it looks to others.
It requires being radically seen to radically see others.
Stick with me here as I guide myself through The Villain Challenge and share it with you guys!